My comics

Over the years, I have produced all kinds of comics - especially during my degree! This page has a small collection of those comics, alongside any information which may be of use!
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Comics are ordered in rough date order, with the most recent work at the top and less recent further down.

Cross Stitch

April 2023

Made for a module in which we were focusing on the kinds of stories that we wanted to tell. This is where I figured out that I honestly liked telling silly goofy stories about character interactions. Also wanted to write a romance for once because as much as I love them, I actually... never had written once... whoops.

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Town of Shipping (or that one time a niche indie game had an active fanbase)

April 2023

My contribution to an anthology about Nostalgia that our Comics Society put together! I wanted to talk about my previous experience with a childhood game and it's fanbase when I was socialising with others from that community.

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Adaptation of Elliott's 8 Heart Event from Stardew Valley

December 2022

University work in which we were tasked to adapt a scene from a prexisting media and adapt it into a comic. I decided to do half of this event from Stardew Valley, developed by ConcernedApe. Whilst the dialogue was all prewritten, I had aimed to make it more diverse in camera angles as opposed to the traditional top down camera angle of the game

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The Sims Experience

May 2022

Based off of true events... because who wants to play the game when you can spend hundreds of hours in the character creator.

The Sims Experience

The First Dinosaur egg

January 2022

Given that in Stardew Valley you can get Dinosaur Eggs, as well as raising Dinosaurs... you'd think Gunther, the museum curator, might want to know about the farmer's latest discovery. A gag comic based off of this.

The Sims Experience

Donny Dodson's Dustbin Zoo

March 2021

An opportunity came up during our Bachelor's where we were given a script from Viz Magazine and we were instructed to draw the comic based off of the script. This was my finished comic, which was selected to be offically published in the magazine itself!

The Sims Experience